How to Provide API Access to Amazon Attribution

Read this article to learn how you can provide API access to your Amazon Attribution account and add it to the Intentwise platform

Amazon Attribution Explained

Amazon Attribution in ads is a measurement for your non-Amazon campaigns across channels such as email, social media, paid search, display, influencer, and affiliate marketing, and owned tactics that link to Amazon (ex. brand website, blog posts).

To get Attribution data on the platform, you need to provide us access to the Amazon attribution account. Here are the steps:

1. Click on Account Management under Global Settings in the bottom left corner.
Then go to Accounts > Add Accounts > Amazon Sponsored Ads and click Next.


2. The next step is to login to your Amazon account. Ensure the email address you are signing in with has access to the attribution account on Amazon.


3. Select the account you want to add from the list of accounts.​


4. Click on 'Add' to initiate the setup and drop a note on once done. Also, share the different advertising channels you are active on. We will set up the account within 24 hours.​