Automation Rules: Best Practices

What type of automation rules should I create? Read this article to learn some of the most essential automated rules.

In this article, we'll cover the best practices you might consider when creating automated rules. The goal of rules is to automate repetitive tasks, primarily in these three areas (1) bid optimisation (2) negating wasted spend, and (3) harvesting profitable search terms.

Best Practices for Automation Rules:

Here are the top automation rules, see below for setup details.

  1. High ACoS, Decrease Bids

  2. Low ACoS, Increase Bids

  3. Low/No Impressions, Bid Change

  4. Low/No Impressions, Budget Change

  5. Pause Products With No Sales

  6. Increase Budget, Low ACoS

  7. Negating Non-Converting Search Terms

  8. Search Term Harvesting (Promotion)

  9. Increase Bids During High Converting Periods (Day Parting)

  10. Increase Bids During Low Impression Periods (Day Parting)

  11. Decrease Budget with No/Low Orders (Day Parting)

  12. Weekend Bid Up/Down (Day Parting)

  13. Weekend Budget Up/Down (Day Parting)


  • High ACoS, Decrease Bids:

    Core Objective: Reduce the gap between the target and current ACOS

    Target: Can be created for Product/Audience Targeting, Auto Targeting, SP Keywords, and SB Keywords

    Action Type: Bid Change

    Criteria/Filters: ACoS > x or by range, ie ACoS between 50 - 75%

    Advanced Technique: Consider creating brand vs non-brand rules, campaign type, and by match type. Auto, BR, EX, PT; CT campaigns will focus on different goals.

    Bid Change Type: Decrease Bids by Percentage

    Use data from the Last 30 days or use a more extended range if your keyword requires more clicks.

    Frequency: Daily to Weekly


  • Low ACoS, Increase Bids:

    Core Objective: Reduce the gap between the target and current ACOS

    Target: Can be created for Product/Audience Targeting, Auto Targeting, SP Keywords, and SB Keywords

    Action Type: Bid Change

    Criteria/Filters: ACoS < x or by range, ie ACoS between 1 - 10%

    Advanced Technique: Consider creating brand vs non-brand rules, campaign type, and by match type. Auto, BR, EX, PT, and CT campaigns will focus on different goals.

    Bid Change Type: Increase Bids by Percentage

    Use data from the Last 30 days or use a more extended range if your keyword requires more clicks.

    Frequency: Daily to Weekly


  • Low/No Impressions, Bid Change:

    Core Objective: Increase campaign impressions to increase clicks

    Target: Can be created for Product/Audience Targeting, Auto Targeting, SP Keywords, and SB Keywords

    Action Type: Bid Change

    Criteria/Filters: Impressions < x, Campaign Status = Enabled, Ad Group Status = Enabled, Keyword Status = Enabled. Note, some filters may not apply to all campaign types.

    Advanced Technique: Consider creating brand vs non-brand rules, campaign type, and by match type. Auto, BR, EX, PT, and CT campaigns will focus on different goals.

    Bid Change Type: Increase Bids by Percentage

    Use data from the Last 30 days or use a more extended range if your keyword requires more clicks.

    Frequency: Daily to Weekly


  • Low/No Impressions, Budget Change:

    Core Objective: Increase campaign impressions to increase clicks

    Target: Campaigns

    Action Type: Budget Change

    Criteria/Filters: Impressions < x, Campaign Status = Enabled

    Budget Change Type: Increase Budget by Percentage

    Use data from: Last 30 days or use a longer time range if your keyword requires more clicks.

    Frequency: Daily to Weekly


  • Pause Products With No Sales:

    Core Objective: If you are testing multiple products in the same campaign/adgroup, you can pause products with no conversions

    Target: Products

    Action Type: Pause

    Criteria/Filters: Clicks > x or Spend > x, Orders = 0.

    Use data from: Last 30 days or use a longer range if your keyword requires more clicks.

    Frequency: Weekly or Monthly


  • Increase Budget, Low ACoS

    Core Objective: Increase budget for low ACoS campaigns. Scale what is working. Target: Campaign

    Action Type: Budget Change

    Criteria/Filters: ACoS < x%

    Budget Change Type: Increase Budget by Percentage

    Use data from: 30 Days

    Frequency: Weekly or Monthly.


  • Negating Non-Converting Search Terms

    Core Objective: Eliminate search terms with no orders that are not relevant. Consider creating alerts or filters in the Search Term dashboard and manually negate them.

    Target: Search Terms

    Action Type: Add as negative

    Criteria/Filters: Orders=0 (or Revenue=0) and Clicks > x.

    Advanced Technique: Consider creating brand vs non-brand rules, campaign type and by match type. Auto, BR, EX, PT, CT campaigns will focus on different goals. Negative Target Types: Select relevant target types, (Keyword Exact, Keyword Phrase and Product Target) based on campaign type.

    Use data from: Last 30 days or use a longer time range

    Frequency: Daily or Weekly.


  • Search Term Harvesting (Promotion)

    Core Objective: Scale search terms that are working

    Target: Search Terms

    Action Type: Add as keyword/product target

    Criteria/Filters: Orders > x or Revenue > x

    Advanced Technique: Consider creating brand vs non-brand rules, campaign type, and by match type. Auto, BR, EX, PT, and CT campaigns will focus on different goals. Other metrics can be ACoS and Spend.

    Use data from: Last 30 days or use a longer time range

    Frequency: Weekly or Monthly.

    Important: Upload your campaign source and target mapping. This will require a proper campaign structure and promotion strategy for the best results.


  • Increase Bids During High Converting Periods

    Core Objective: Increase bids during high conversion periods to increase sales Target: Can be created for Product/Audience Targeting, Auto Targeting, SP Keywords, and SB Keywords

    Action Type: Bid Change

    Criteria/Filters: Specific campaigns based on Amazon Marketing Stream analysis. Advanced Technique: Consider creating brand vs non-brand rules, campaign type, and by match type. Auto, BR, EX, PT, and CT campaigns will focus on different goals. Budget Change Type: Increase Bids by Percentage

    Use data from: Yesterday

    Frequency: Daily or Weekly. Daypart by setting start and end times.


  • Increase Bids During Low Impression Periods

    Core Objective: Increase bids during low impression periods to increase clicks Target: Can be created for Product/Audience Targeting, Auto Targeting, SP Keywords, and SB Keywords

    Action Type: Bid Change

    Criteria/Filters: Specific campaigns based on Amazon Marketing Stream analysis. Advanced Technique: Consider creating brand vs non-brand rules, campaign type, and by match type. Auto, BR, EX, PT, and CT campaigns will focus on different goals. Budget Change Type: Increase Bids by Percentage

    Use data from: Yesterday

    Frequency: Daily or Weekly. Daypart by setting start and end times.


  • Decrease Budget with No/Low Orders

    Core Objective: Decrease campaign budget (or pause) during high spend periods with no orders

    Target: Campaigns

    Action Type: Budget Change

    Criteria/Filters: Specific campaigns based on Amazon Marketing Stream analysis. Use data from: Yesterday

    Frequency: Daily or Weekly. Daypart by setting start and end time.


  • Weekend Bid Up/Down

    Core Objective: Increase or decrease bid CPC during the weekend.

    Target: Can be created for Product/Audience Targeting, Auto Targeting, SP Keywords, and SB Keywords

    Action Type: Bid Change

    Criteria/Filters: Can be all campaigns or specific campaigns based on Amazon Marketing Stream analysis.

    Advanced Technique: Consider creating brand vs non brand rules, campaign type and by match type. Auto, BR, EX, PT, CT campaigns will focus on different goals. Bid Change Type: Increase/Decrease Bids by Percentage

    Use data from: Yesterday

    Frequency: Weekly. Daypart by setting start and end time for your weekend.


  • Weekend Budget Change

    Core Objective: Increase or decrease the budget during the weekend.

    Target: Campaigns

    Action Type: Budget Change

    Criteria/Filters: Specific campaigns based on Amazon Marketing Stream analysis. Budget Change Type: Increase/Decrease Bids by Percentage

    Use data from: Yesterday

    Frequency: Weekly. Daypart by setting start and end times for your weekend.