Discover how to effectively utilize charts to analyze your data across various dashboards on Intentwise Ad Optimizer.
Easily customize and analyze your data with powerful charts across dashboards, simplifying your reporting and insights.
Availability: Intentwise Ad Optimizer
Using Charts

Intentwise offers highly functional charts across different dashboards. Here's how to make the most of them:
Customize Metrics
When you add or toggle metrics, the chart data will update automatically to reflect your selections.

Switch between default metrics by clicking on them. Click on the "Add Metric" link to add a new metric. For example, add a "Conversion Rate" metric alongside "ACOS" for a comprehensive view.
Data Labels and Change History
Hover over any date in the chart to view specific account changes on that day.

Enable data labels to see more details on the chart. Switch on the "View changes" icon to track changes over time. This will show the impact of changes on account performance within the chart's timeline.
Customize Views
Customize your View

You can customize the view to display data in different time frames like daily, weekly, and monthly.
Change Chart Type

If you prefer to view a metric as a bar chart instead of a line chart, click on the more icon next to the metric. Select the desired chart type from the popup menu, and the chart will update accordingly.
Tabular View

To see all metrics in a table format, click on the "View as table" icon. This allows for a detailed analysis in a structured format.
Comparing Performance
Select your desired date range for the data.

Turn on the "Compare" option in the calendar widget. A dotted line/bar chart will appear, representing the metrics from a previous time period, making it easy to compare performance over time.