Compare metrics between time-periods

Use "Compare" feature to easily compare metrics between time periods and get insights about changes in performance.

Compare Mode Explained

You can compare metrics across different time periods to gain insights into performance changes. You can use the Compare mode to answer questions like:

  • What changed in performance last week compared to the prior week?

  • How does prime-day performance this year compare with last year?

Availability: Intentwise Ad Optimizer

Steps for using the Compare feature:

  1. Click on Campaigns (or Products, Targets, Keywords, Search Terms etc.) from the left navigation menu > Click the calendar widget on the top right corner.


  2. Let's say you want to compare the metrics for the last 14 days with the prior data. All you have to do is choose the time period and turn on the "Compare" mode.


  3. The change in metrics for the time period selected will be displayed for you to compare.

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