Monitor your retail readiness & listing health with Content Analytics. Identify products below benchmarks and track PDP optimization.
Content Analytics Explained
Content Analytics enables you to track the retail readiness of your products for a given set of ASINs at the frequency of your choosing. Use Content Analytics to:
Keep track of your Content Score and Summary.
Improve and optimize your overall product listing page. This includes A+ content, product, and number of product ratings, description, bullet points, images, title, and images.
Marketplace Availability: .com, .ca, .uk, .au, .mx, .it, .de, .fr
Content Analytics: Insights
Before using Content Analytics, ensure you've configured Content Analytics using the Settings tab. The Insights tab has various tabs like Overview, Below Benchmark, Raw Data, and Download History.

This is an overview of your Content Analytics. It shows the health of the ASINs you've tracked.

Filter the data by A+ Page, ASIN, Star Ratings, Images, and category.
Content Score and Content Quality Summary

Find an overview of your product detail pages' content quality and retail readiness.
Detailed Widgets

Find more details about the number of ASINs that meet the benchmark based on the following categories:
A+ Content
Star Ratings
Number of Images
Customer Ratings
Title Length
Best Seller Rank
Below Benchmark

Analyze and download the ASINs that do not meet the benchmark standards. Share this data with your team to optimize these listings for improved visibility and performance. Use these insights to enhance your product pages and ensure they align with best practices.
Raw Data

Find a visual representation of your listings based on your selected metrics. You can view this data as a chart or table.
Raw Data Table

The raw data will include detailed information for ASINs, such as title, category, best seller category and rank, pricing, and more.
Download History
You can find your download history in this tab.

Frequently Asked Questions
Can I get historical data for Content Analytics?
No, we can only pull data for Content Analytics since the day it is enabled.