Criteo Ads: How to Get Started on Intentwise

Seeking a better way to manage your Criteo ads? Read this article to learn how you can add Criteo accounts on the Intentwise platform.

With Criteo Ads one can create, manage, and report on your digital advertising campaigns in one place, and be able to reach consumers at all phases of their journey from discovery to purchase.

We at Intentwise offer solutions that help you better manage your advertising spend and access data in Criteo.





..Getting Started with Criteo Ads

To add a Criteo account to the Intentwise Platform, follow these steps:

Step 1: Navigate to Account Management under Global Settings > Accounts tab > Add Accounts > Criteo and click on Next

Step 2: Provide us access to your Criteo accounts.

Clicking on Authorize Access will take you to the Criteo login page. Log in through your Criteo account and provide us the consent.

Step 3:

a) Select the Criteo Advertiser(s) that you want to add.

b) Select the existing Intentwise account to link it with this new Criteo account.

Please Note:- If you don't have a corresponding account on Intentwise Platform, you can create a new one which will be a Criteo-only account on Intentwise Platform. Once all accounts are mapped, click Next.

Step 4: Review the Criteo account and corresponding Intentwise account that you are linking it with and click on Next.

On successful completion, you'll see the below success message. The setup takes around 24 hours. You'll be notified via email once it is complete. You can then see the account in the Account Management > Accounts tab.

Step 6: Reach out to the Intentwise support team at and provide the following details of the account:

  1. Account name

  2. Country

  3. Currency

  4. Time Zone

Once we get the required details, we will initiate the onboarding process from our end, which takes a working day to complete.

Watch the video instructions here:

Criteo Ads For Intentwise Analytics Cloud

Once you are done adding your Criteo Ads accounts, please follow the below instructions/steps to activate this as a data source in IAC.


Step 1: In Intentwise Analytics Cloud (IAC), please click on the “+ Add Source” option in the “My Data Sources” section and then select “Criteo Ads”.



Step 2: You will then be presented with the “Data Source Settings” screen. You can then select the accounts you want to activate by checking the checkbox and then clicking on the “Enable” option in the top ribbon menu.


Step 3: You will then receive a confirmation notification regarding the account addition. Please note that it will take about 24 hours post enabling the account to start accessing the data.