Managing Placement Bids

This article might help you to learn how you can easily monitor and manage your placement bids at Intentwise platform

Richa Gupta avatar
Written by Richa Gupta
Updated over a week ago

Reviewing and adjusting placement bid settings can be time-consuming. The process requires a download of the placement report (which is at a daily level), aggregation of metrics by campaign/placement, followed by bid adjustments.ย 

Managing Placement Bids with Intentwise

The Intentwise platform simplifies this process. Go to the Placement dashboard. Pick your time window. Review ACOS by each placement (Top of search, Product detail pages, Rest of search). Make the necessary adjustments across campaigns by following the below steps:

1. Select the campaigns

2. Placement bids for Top Of Search (TOS) and Product Details Page (PDP) can be updated in bulk. You can give a specific bid value, or increase or decrease bids by a percentage or a value.


3. Click on Preview and Apply

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