Seeking a better way to manage your Instacart ads? Read this article to learn how to connect your Instacart account to Intentwise.
Instacart Ads Explained
Instacart ads allow you to get in front of your customers when they are searching for products like yours in Instacart. You can create, manage, and report on your digital advertising campaigns in one place.
We at Intentwise offer solutions that help you better manage your advertising spend and access data in Instacart.
Getting Started with Instacart Ads
Please follow the below instructions to activate your Instacart Ads account in Intentwise.
Step 1: You need to add Intentwise as an API user. The steps to grant Intentwise the API access are given below:
Navigate to User Management
1. Log into Ads Manager -
2. Navigate to settings (click top left carrot icon)
3. Select “⚙️ Settings”
4. Select “User Management
Adding New User As Admin
1. Click Invite User
2. Enter as the Email Address
3. Select Agency User
4. Enter the Legal Name of the Agency
5. Check the box
Selecting User Role Access - Full Campaign Management
Consumer Insights Reporting- Read Access
Campaign Management- Write Access
API Authentication- Write Access
Step 2: Once this is done, reach out to us at or chat with us regarding the activation of the account. Be sure to mention the following details:
For existing ad account: Share the ad account name
For a new ad account: Share the brand name (We will help set up the account)
We take 1-2 business days to setup the account on Intentwise platform.
Instacart Ads For Intentwise Analytics Cloud
Once you are done adding your Instacart Ads accounts, please follow the below instructions/steps to activate this as a data source in IAC.
Step 1: In Intentwise Analytics Cloud (IAC), please click on the “+ Add Source” option in the “My Data Sources” section and then select “Instacart Ads”.

Step 2: You will then be presented with the “Data Source Settings” screen. You can then select the accounts you want to activate by checking the checkbox and then clicking on the “Enable” option in the top ribbon menu.

Step 3: You will then receive a confirmation notification regarding the account addition. Please note that it will take about 24 hours post enabling the account to start accessing the data.

Instacart Pricing
Prices are subject to change.
If you are solely managing a single advertising channel, kindly contact our Sales or your Account Manager for the most up-to-date pricing information.
If you're a current subscriber of Intentwise Ad Optimizer and would like to add access to Instacart, an extra monthly charge will be applied. The cost for advertising on Instacart will be combined with the pricing tiers already established in your contract.
Intentwise Analytics Cloud
This would count toward your data sources based on the number of accounts that are activated.