Use N-Grams to Optimize Your Keywords

Read this article to learn how to leverage N-Grams to understand your search terms and optimize your ad performance.

N-Grams Explained

N-Grams or ngrams are search terms broken up into string tokens; for example, the "running shoes" search term gets broken into "running," "shoes," and "running shoes" tokens. This can help you better understand your search terms and optimize your keywords.

Availability: Intentwise Ad Optimizer (Amazon Sponsored Products)

Getting Started with N-Grams

How it works?

  1. Navigate to Intentwise Ad Optimizer > Amazon Sponsored Ads.

  2. Go to Search Terms > N-Grams

  3. Here's what you'll find in the N-Grams dashboard:

    • N-Grams and ads performance

    • Whether the N-Grams exist as keywords

    • Number of Search Queries: how many occurrences (days per search query) did the N-Gram appear in.

Features and Benefits

Use Cases

  • Compare performance between different tokens/phrases

  • Find new converting keywords that don't exist in your campaigns

  • Identify underperforming tokens and keywords to be negated

Currently, this data is only for Sponsored Products and is available with a 7-day lookback window (to be expanded). We exclude brand terms to focus on non-brand terms and long-tail keywords, which contribute only a small percentage of impressions.

Filtering N-Grams

You can filter N-Grams by specific tokens, the number of tokens, their presence as keywords, the number of queries they appear in, and their ad performance. We have also provided quick links for commonly used filters, allowing you to apply multiple filters simultaneously to best answer your question.

Given that stemming has been applied, not all N-Grams are actionable in their base form, so you must sort through them to determine which ones make sense to add or negate in your ads. Stemming reduces words to their root form, grouping similar words together, which can aid in this sorting process.

Navigating N-Grams

If you find an N-Gram of interest, you can click on it to find all the search terms and keywords associated with that N-Gram, and how each performs.

Finding New Converting Keywords

Filtering for N-Grams that don't exist as a keyword and with positive revenue, we can find keywords that can be added to our campaigns. In this example, we look at "zaatar seasoning," which has converted, but only through broad match.

Adding a phrase or exact match for "zaatar seasoning" can help increase traffic from this search term. You can do it from this filtered Search Terms tab.

Finding Underperforming Keywords to Negate

Similarly, filtering for N-Grams with zero revenue can uncover search terms to be considered for negative match.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Why do we only see N-Gram data for a limited period?

Currently, the lookback window is seven days. We plan on opening up to 30 days soon.