With Intentwise, grouping products by brand, price, and more is easy. Learn how to use Custom Product Attributes and update Product Costs.
Product Meta Data Explained
Custom Product Attributes and Product Costs form integral components of the Product Meta Data which will help provide quicker and more straightforward analysis within the Intentwise Analytics Cloud.
Getting Started With Custom Product Attributes
The Custom Product Attributes (previously Brand ASINs) provide a comprehensive way to store and manage your products. This feature allows you to group your products and provide custom attributes. You can add Groups and up to five user-defined attributes. Use Custom Product Attributes to:
Group your brands if you manage multiple brands within the same account.
Leverage attributes to identify seasonal products, define audience segments, product sub-categories, supplier information, and product lifecycle, to name a few use cases.
This tab will serve as a master list of products for other dashboards in the future. Currently, data from this dashboard is only available in Intentwise Analytics Cloud.
Note: A list of ASINs is updated daily from Sponsored Ads, Seller Central, and Vendor Central sales reports. These ASINs will be considered Brand ASINs across the platform. You can always add or make updates by following the steps below.
Bulk Changes:
To add new ASINs or make bulk changes, click on Upload In Bulk> Download Template.

A .csv file would be downloaded. Enter the ASINs, Brands, and Attributes and upload the .csv file to update the changes on the platform.
Note: ASIN Title will auto-populate, but this is editable if you are looking to make changes from the title listed within the Amazon console.
You can also download a CSV or Excel file of the data by clicking the download icon:
Individual ASIN Edits:
To make individual edits, click on the pencil icon next to the ASIN and update the desired values in the pop menu, and click on save.

You can use Filters to filter values by ASIN, Brand, Group, or Attribute or click blue highlighted links.

To delete an entry, select the checkbox and click on Delete.

Map Sub-Brand to ASIN:
Select the checkbox to add the Sub Brand to any particular ASIN and click the +Add Sub-Brand. To add the Sub-Brands to this list, visit the Sub-Brands tab under Global Settings.

Custom Product Attributes For Intentwise Analytics Cloud
This table is now part of Intentwise Ecommerce Graph as a reference table. Click here for more information.
ASIN- SKU Mapping
For Seller Accounts only, the ASIN to SKU Mapping will help update Product Costs at SKU level. There are two ways you can achieve this:
1. Manual Bulk upload
To add the ASINs to SKU mapping manually, click on the link for bulk upload > Download Template.

A .csv file would be downloaded. Enter the ASINs, SKU details and upload the .csv file to update the changes on the platform.

2. Import from the Business Report
To import the existing ASINs to SKU mapping, click on the link for Import Advertised/Sales ASINs.

Select Confirm to import the ASIN-SKU mapping from the business report of the last 120 days.

Once the mapping is done, the SKUs will reflect automatically in the Product Cost tab.
Getting Started with Product Costs
Product Costs allows you to add your own COGS into the reporting and calculate profitability for different dates. This data can help you optimize your campaigns and product mix more effectively and respond quickly to any performance changes. Use Product Costs to:
Calculate the profitability on an account, campaign, and SKU-level
Integrate with Custom Product Attributes to build out custom reporting.
Currently, data from this dashboard is only available in Intentwise Analytics Cloud ECommerce Graph as refdata_product_cost.
You can find the data under Product Meta Data > Product Costs from the Global Settings menu.

Here's what you'll find in the new Product Costs dashboard:
The current ASIN, product title, Unit Cost, and latest effective date.
Bulk Upload tool to quickly update Unit Cost
Setting Up Product Costs
Bulk Changes:
Click on Upload In Bulk> Download Template to make bulk changes.

A .csv file would be downloaded. Enter the Unit Cost and Effective From date and upload the .csv file to update the changes on the platform.
If no Effective From date is entered, the Unit Cost will be applicable to all dates.
The default cost is 0.
Note: ASIN Title is not updatable. The ASIN titles would auto-populate from Sponsored Ads and Seller Central/Vendor Central Sales reports.
You can also download a CSV or Excel file of the data by clicking the download icon:
Individual ASIN/SKU Edits:
To add a new Unit Cost and Effective Date, click on Add New.
In the case of multiple SKUs, you can select the Use same cost for all SKUs option and set the unit cost to all SKUs at once.
Product Costs For Intentwise Analytics Cloud
This table is now part of Intentwise Ecommerce Graph as a reference table. Click here for more information.