Saved filters

Create a set of saved filters across dashboards and accounts to simplify your day to day Amazon Advertising activities.

Saved Filters Explained

Save filters across dashboards to easily revisit specific views with desired criteria, simplifying your reporting needs.

Availability: Intentwise Ad Optimizer

Creating Saved Filters

You have the ability to create and save filters across different dashboards. Here are the steps for creating filters:

  1. Select a dashboard: Navigate to a dashboard view like the Campaigns dashboard in the left menu.


  2. Add filter: Click on the "Filter" option.


  3. Specify criteria: Create your custom filter by specifying the criteria. For this example, let's create an "Underperforming Campaigns" filter for all campaigns with:

    • ACOS greater than or equal to 15%

    • Spend greater than or equal to 500

  4. Save Filter: Once the criteria are set, click on Save.

  5. Give it a Name: Give the filter a name for easy identification

  6. Reset: To remove the filter, simply click on Reset.

  7. Apply Filter: To apply your saved filter, click "Filter" and select the saved filter you created. The filter's criteria will be immediately applied.

Watch the video

This is an example wherein a filter for all campaigns with ACOS greater than 15% and spend more than 500 is created.

Copying Filters to Other Accounts

You can copy your saved filters from one account to another. Watch this video for detailed steps:

Frequently Asked Questions

Can others see these saved filters?

These filters are unique to your account, ensuring that only you can access them.

What filters do you recommend?

Creating a set of saved filters across the entire application can be super handy. The recommended set of filters includes:

  • Underperforming and high-performing campaigns, products, keywords, etc.

  • Zero revenue search terms (these could be great candidates for negative matching)

  • Brand, Non-brand keywords

  • Filters by campaign types

Can I copy my saved filters from one account to another?

Yes, open a saved filter and click the "Copy to Other Accounts" button.