How to Manage Credit Card Details

This article guides you on managing credit card information and adding payment methods on the Intentwise platform.

Intentwise enables you to set up automatic credit card payments to manage your account. You will learn how to do this in this article.
  1. Select Billing Summary from the dropdown menu in the top right corner.



2. Go to the Payment Information tab and add your credit card information by clicking on "Add Credit Card"

You can also add your Tax Information and Sales Tax Exemption Certificate using this tab.

Update Credit Card Information

If you have previously entered your credit card details, then you should be able to see the "Update Credit Card" button under the Payment Information section. Click on the button and update the credit card details.

Click the "Save" button to update the new credit card details—this will replace the existing credit card.

We accept other modes of payment as well. If you wish to use ACH, Apple Pay, or Google Pay, please contact us on chat or at

Please do NOT share your credit card details over email or chat.

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