Add search terms as keywords or negative keywords using the Search Terms Dashboard to optimize your Amazon campaigns.
In this article, you’ll learn how to add search terms as keywords and negative keywords on Amazon using the Intentwise Ad Optimizer to enhance your advertising campaigns.
Steps for Adding Search Terms as Keywords
Go to the Search Terms Dashboard: Navigate to the Search Terms Dashboard from the left navigation menu.
Select Search Terms: Choose the search terms you want to add as keywords.
Click on "Add as Keyword": In the top bar, click on "Add as Keyword."
Choose Add to Keyword Options: Add to Current Campaign or Multiple Campaigns.
Select Campaigns and Ad Groups: Choose the campaigns and ad groups where you want to add the keywords. This step applies when selecting multiple campaigns.
Choose Match Types: Select the match types for the keywords (broad, phrase, or exact).
Set Bids: Define the bids for the selected keywords.
Submit: Click on the submit button to finalize the addition of keywords.
Steps for adding search terms as negative keywords
Go to the Search Terms Dashboard: Navigate to the Search Terms Dashboard from the left navigation menu.
Select Search Terms: Choose the search terms you want to add as negative keywords.
Click on "Add as Negative Keywords": In the top bar, click on "Add as Negative Keywords."
Submit: Click on the submit button to finalize adding negative keywords.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are match types?
Match types determine how closely a customer’s search term must match your keyword for your ad to appear. Options include broad, phrase, and exact match.
Why add negative keywords?
Negative keywords help prevent your ads from showing on irrelevant searches, reducing wasted ad spend. Learn more.
How often should I update my keywords and negatives?
Regularly review and update keywords and negative keywords based on performance data to optimize your campaigns.