Amazon DSP: How to Change Bids for Line Items

Read this article and follow the step-by-step instructions on how you can manage bids for Amazon DSP Line Items

The Intentwise platform makes managing bids for your Amazon DSP Line Items simple. You can easily adjust line item bids within Intentwise, which this article will walk through.

Steps to change bids for Amazon DSP

  1. Click on the Line Items under Amazon DSP in the navigation panel.

  2. In-Line Items chart data is visible for daily, weekly and monthly

  3. After selecting the line items, there are two options available. You can either choose Base Supply Bid or Max Supply Bid.


  4. In the Base Supply Bid or Max Supply Bid, You can set a new bid, increase bid or else decrease bid.


    Frequently Asked Questions

    Can you adjust base bids via automated rule?

    Yes! You can learn more about DSP automated rules here.