Learn how to monitor account-level spending using the pacing chart via the Overview tab and set budgets on Intentwise.
Tracking monthly spend levels is a key piece of any advertising strategy. To assist with this, we have built the budget pacing chart for your easy reference.
Using the Budget Pacing Chart
You can track the budget utilization on the monthly pacing chart at the bottom of the Overview dashboard. The pacing chart gives you
A chart/table that allows you to compare ideal vs actual daily ad spends
Your total month-to-date (MTD) spend
The amount you need to spend daily for the rest of the month to meet your budget numbers
The tool also shows you a snapshot of the actual and ideal numbers on any given day when you hover your cursor over the coordinates for the date.

To use the pacing chart, you need to set up the monthly budget. You can edit the current month's budget directly or from Settings (explained in the next section).

Steps for Setting Monthly Budget
A monthly budget can be set up individually for a month or multiple months together. To set Budgets, open the ‘Monthly Budgets’ tab under Settings.

Pick the month(s) for you which you wish to set the budget
Click on Edit Budget on the top right corner
Enter the amount and click on Save to confirm

It is important to note, the monthly budget will not make any changes to your campaign budgets automatically based on your total pace. Campaign budget changes will still need to be execute via either automated rules or manual changes.
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
When I set a monthly budget, does it apply a daily spending cap to our ads?
No, it does not alter your Amazon budget. It's simply a tool for tracking your monthly spending in relation to your budget.