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Saved filters

Create a set of saved filters across dashboards and accounts to simplify your day to day Amazon Advertising activities.

Richa Gupta avatar
Written by Richa Gupta
Updated over 9 months ago

Saved Filters Explained

Save filters across dashboards to easily revisit specific views with desired criteria, simplifying your reporting needs.

Availability: Intentwise Ad Optimizer

Creating Saved Filters

You have the ability to create and save filters across different dashboards. Here are the steps for creating filters:

  1. Select a dashboard: Navigate to a dashboard view like the Campaigns dashboard in the left menu.

  2. Add filter: Click on the "Filter" option.

  3. Specify criteria: Create your custom filter by specifying the criteria. For this example, let's create an "Underperforming Campaigns" filter for all campaigns with:

    • ACOS greater than or equal to 15%

    • Spend greater than or equal to 500

  4. Save Filter: Once the criteria are set, click on Save.

  5. Give it a Name: Give the filter a name for easy identification

  6. Reset: To remove the filter, simply click on Reset.

  7. Apply Filter: To apply your saved filter, click "Filter" and select the saved filter you created. The filter's criteria will be immediately applied.

Watch the video

This is an example wherein a filter for all campaigns with ACOS greater than 15% and spend more than 500 is created.

Copying Filters to Other Accounts

You can copy your saved filters from one account to another. Watch this video for detailed steps:

Frequently Asked Questions

Can others see these saved filters?

These filters are unique to your account, ensuring that only you can access them.

What filters do you recommend?

Creating a set of saved filters across the entire application can be super handy. The recommended set of filters includes:

  • Underperforming and high-performing campaigns, products, keywords, etc.

  • Zero revenue search terms (these could be great candidates for negative matching)

  • Brand, Non-brand keywords

  • Filters by campaign types

Can I copy my saved filters from one account to another?

Yes, open a saved filter and click the "Copy to Other Accounts" button.

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