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Data Upload in Intentwise Explore
Data Upload in Intentwise Explore

Amazon Marketing Cloud (AMC) allows you to upload your first-party signals alongside the included Amazon Ads event tables

Ankita Goyal avatar
Written by Ankita Goyal
Updated over a week ago

Data Upload

Uploading your data (such as audiences from your website, off-Amazon transaction events, and product metadata) to Amazon Marketing Cloud (AMC) involves transferring your customer data, such as names, emails, addresses, and other metric information, in a secure process. If the provided data has personally identifiable information (PII) like name, email, address, phone, city, state, etc., Amazon will try to match it with its user records based on these hashed fields. If a match is found, an identifier is provided for the matched records, which we can use to answer broader business questions.

Intentwise facilitates this process by offering a user-friendly interface to create dedicated tables and upload files.

Availability: Intentwise Explore (AMC)

Data Upload in Intentwise Explore

Adding your data to Intentwise is seamless and allows you to centralize your data management within AMC. This integration enables you to leverage your data alongside Amazon Ads tables to gain comprehensive insights into your advertising campaigns. By combining your data with Amazon Ads data in Intentwise, you can enhance your marketing strategies, measure your campaign performance, and improve your audience targeting.

Use Cases

  1. Enhanced Audience Insights: By uploading your audience data to Intentwise, you can analyze the reach and engagement of your ads among your existing customer base. This insight can help you create more targeted and personalized ad campaigns. For example, you can determine what percentage of your audience has been exposed to your Amazon Ads media, allowing you to tailor your messaging more effectively.

  2. Improved Campaign Performance: Integrating your transaction data with Amazon Ads data in Intentwise allows you to measure the impact of your ads on off-Amazon transactions. This analysis can help you optimize your ad spend and improve your overall campaign performance. For instance, you can compare the purchase rate for known customers versus new customers per ad product, helping you understand the effectiveness of your campaigns in driving repeat purchases.

  3. Custom Audience Creation: Intentwise enables you to create custom audiences based on your data. These audiences can be used for remarketing and targeting specific customer segments. This feature can help increase the effectiveness of your ad campaigns and drive higher conversions. For example, you can create audiences based on customer lifetime value (LTV) for remarketing Amazon DSP, ensuring that your ads are reaching high-value customers.

How it works?

  1. Create a table in your instance: Start by configuring a table in your AMC Instance under 'Data Upload' section.

  2. Upload your data: Click 'Begin Upload' to upload a CSV file and specify the data types.

  3. Manage your tables: Find your tables under 'Data Upload.' You can upload new files to these tables without needing to recreate them or assign data types again.

Steps to create a new table

  1. Navigate to Intentwise Explore

  2. Go to 'Data Upload' in the left navigation menu and click on 'Begin Upload' button.

  3. Configure Table: Specify how the data will be stored. Add details like name, description, country, instance, etc. Also, specify whether the data contains Personally Identifiable Information.

  4. Upload File: Upload the CSV file

  5. Assign Data Types: Assign the data type for each field. This step is mandatory.

    Here are the data types available:

    • Personal Identifiable Information (PII) like name, email, phone, address, city, state, and postal code. Quick Note: Amazon will transform this data to ensure that identities remain anonymous.

    • Numerical values such as costs or revenue counts such as days or hours, and large figures like impressions, clicks, or units sold.

    • String

    • Date without time

    • Date with time

    Note: If plain text is chosen as the data type for the Personal Identification Information (PII) column, Amazon will reject the uploads. Similarly, if an incorrect data type is chosen, such as assigning a String type instead of Numeric to the number of units sold, we will be unable to write queries that can sum up the units sold.

  6. Verify Details: Verify the details and submit.

  7. Upload complete: Your data will be matched with Amazon's existing data. This process can take up to 24 hours.

Guidelines for Table Creation and Data Upload

Table Name:

  • Table names must be unique within the instance where they are created.

  • Names can only contain lowercase alphabets, numbers, and underscores.

  • Names should start with an alphabet.

  • Names cannot exceed 254 characters in length.


  • Descriptions cannot exceed 254 characters in length.

Country Selection

  • The country selected while configuring the table indicates the country from which the data was collected (e.g., United States or United Kingdom).

  • Select the country from which the shopper's data was captured to maximize user matching on the Amazon side.

  • The country can be set at two levels: table-level and upload-level.

    • Table-level: The country applies to all records in the dataset and is chosen during dataset creation.

    • Upload-level: The country applies to all records in the file being uploaded and is chosen each time a user uploads to an existing table.

Data Types:

  • Select the correct data types for each column in the uploaded file.

  • Incorrectly assigning Personal Identifiable Information (PII) types, such as assigning a PII column a string data type, will result in AMC not processing the uploaded data.

  • During the upload process, PII information will be transformed to ensure user identity remains anonymous.

Watch the video

Upload Data to Existing Table

To upload data to an existing table, follow these steps:

  1. Begin Upload: Select a table and click "Upload File"

  2. Upload the CSV file

  3. Configure Upload: Choose the data upload method.

    Types of Upload Methods

    • Append: New data is added to the existing data in the table.

    • Replace: New data completely replaces all existing data in the table.

    • Overlap Replace: New data is added to the table, and any overlapping records are replaced by the new data. For example, if the table has records for April and May and you upload a file with data for May and June, the May data in the table is replaced by the new May data, and June data is added.

    • Overlap Keep: New data is added to the table, but any overlapping records are kept, ignoring the new overlapping data. For example, if the table has records for April and May and you upload a file with data for May and June, the May data in the table is kept, and only the June data is added.

    Note: The Overlap Replace and Overlap Keep options are shown only if the data has a date/time column.

  4. Submit: It might take up to 24 hours for the data to appear.

Table Details and Upload History

After creating a table, access more information by clicking on the table name.

Table Details

View instance, table attributes, and column details.

Upload History

Check upload date, status, user who made changes, and more.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Why can't I see my upload history?

By default, our system displays upload history for the "Last 14 days." If the upload you're trying to view is older than this timeframe, it won't appear in the default view. To access older uploads, adjust the date range filter to "Last 30 days" or a longer period as needed.

How does Intentwise Manage my Data?

  • PII information uploaded is encrypted

  • Intentwise only temporarily saves the processed encrypted file temporarily till the upload process is completed. Once Amazon API is called the files are discarded & IW does not save any of files uploaded by customers

  • Once uploaded to Amazon AMC PII columns are not saved

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