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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Frequently Asked Questions about Intentwise Platform by our customers such as credit card update or setup, how to provide access to their advertising account

Richa Gupta avatarJaydip Vadher avatarAnkita Goyal avatar
6 authors19 articles
Self Signup Guide to the Intentwise PlatformRead this article to learn how you can provide access to your accounts and sign up for the Intentwise Platform
Operational ChecklistRead this article to learn about the operational checklist for your Amazon advertising for managing your accounts and maximizing the results

Access and Setup

From creating new accounts on Intentwise to revoking API access, here are the FAQs about access and setup on the Intentwise platform.

How can I Add/Assign New Users to Intentwise?Read this article to learn how to add new users, assign user roles and accounts to those those users in Intentwise
Add New Accounts on IntentwiseRead this article to learn how you can add new accounts and enable new accounts on the Intentwise platform
Unable to add/find new accounts to Intentwise?Read this article to learn the most common reasons for not being able to add or see your account(s) and how you can resolve it.
Disable Accounts on IntentwiseRead this article to learn how you can deactivate/disable an account you no longer need on the Intentwise platform
Provide API access to Amazon attribution dataRead this article to learn how you can provide API access to your Amazon Attribution account and add it to the Intentwise platform
Provide API Access to Seller Central DataSee your Total ACOS, Total Units, & Total Revenue by providing Seller Central SP-API access. This is different from advertising access.
Provide API Access to Vendor Central DataTo see your Vendor Central data on Intentwise you need to provide us access to the account. Read this step-by-step guide for doing so
Revoke Amazon Advertising API AccessRead this article and watch a step-by-step tutorial on how you can Revoke Amazon Advertising API Access for Third Party Tools.
Unable to see data in Data Destinations?Read this article for the most common reasons for not being able to see account(s)/data in the data destinations and how you can resolve it.