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Save valuable time with the Intentwise platform
Save valuable time with the Intentwise platform

Get started with SaaS-based powerful Amazon Advertising Platform Intentwise and save valuable time and effort optimizing campaigns

Sreenath Reddy avatar
Written by Sreenath Reddy
Updated over a week ago

By now, you have probably signed in and looked around the Intentwise platform. Here are three primary ways in which the platform can save you a great deal of time:

1. Say goodbye to changing bids one campaign at a time. Do them in bulk in just a few seconds

Whether you are trying to make keyword bid changes or auto-targeting bid changes or any other bid changes, changing bids one campaign at a time through the Amazon UI can be time-consuming. With Intentwise, you can make bulk bid changes in a matter of seconds.

2. No more spreadsheets for analyzing search terms and optimizing keywords

Today, you are probably downloading search term reports, analyzing data in spreadsheets, and adding appropriate positive and negative keywords manually. With the Intentwise platform, you can do away with spreadsheets entirely. Analyzing search terms and adding positive and negative keywords can be done instantly.

3. Analyze performance rapidly

Below are examples of how Intentwise makes analysis of performance easy:

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