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All about Recommendations

Read this article to learn all about recommendations and how you can leverage them to improve your account performance

Ankita Goyal avatar
Written by Ankita Goyal
Updated over a week ago

Recommendations Explained

The Recommendations tab on the Intentwise platform offers a rich set of recommendations to help you with the Bids, Keywords, Product Targeting, and advertised ASIN optimizations.

Availability: Intentwise Ad Optimizer (Amazon and Walmart)


The recommendations are customized to your campaigns and can include new Bid Recommendations, Keywords, Targets, and ASIN suggestions, etc.

Each recommendation takes you to a specific part of our platform, where you can find a table view to compare the recommendation with additional metrics like Spend, Revenue, ACOS, etc. You can apply additional filters or click on the Columns Selector to select the metrics and headings you want to see.

You can also dismiss a particular recommendation by clicking on the trash button on the right—it would move from active to dismissed tab until a fresh set of recommendations is suggested by our platform.

Now, let’s take a look at each set of recommendations:

1. Bid Optimization

To take advantage of Bid recommendations, you need to set your Target ACOS. Click here to learn how.

We suggest enabling automation to auto-apply your bids with our machine-learning algorithm based on your historical data and performance.

Please Note: You will see this section only if you haven’t opted for auto-apply bid recommendations.

If you haven’t selected auto-apply bid recommendations on our platform, you can still find competitive bid recommendations suggested by our algorithm based on historical data and account performance. If you’re not utilizing these recommendations, you might miss out on showing your ads in enough placements on Amazon.

  • Sponsored product keyword bids

    These are the bid recommendations for your sponsored products - keywords campaigns.

    This recommendation takes you to the Keywords dashboard with relevant filters that give you bid recommendations on a keyword level. You’ll find the recommended bids column in the table, and you can select keywords to take any of the following actions:

    • Edit bid with options to control it (increase/decrease bids, average CPC, recommendations, Amazon suggested bids)

    • Apply recommendations directly

    • Pause keywords

    • Archive keywords

    • Add or remove labels

    You can also modify filters or use the roll-up feature to see the performance aggregated at a keyword level, match type level, brand type level, or label level.

  • Sponsored Product - product targeting bids

    These are the bid recommendations for your sponsored products - product targeting campaigns.

    This recommendation takes you to the Product Targeting dashboard with relevant filters that gives you bid recommendations for product targets. You can find the recommended bids column in the table and select product targets to take any of the following actions:

    • Edit bid (increase/decrease bids, average CPC, recommendations, Amazon suggested bids)

    • Apply recommendations directly

    • Pause product targets

    • Archive targets

    • Add or remove labels

    You can also modify filters or use the roll up feature to see the performance aggregated at a brand-type level or with your customized labels.

  • Sponsored Product - auto targeting bids

    These are the bid recommendations for your sponsored products - auto targeting campaigns.

    This recommendation takes you to the Sponsored Products - Auto targeting dashboard with relevant filters that gives you bid recommendations for auto targeting campaigns. You can find the recommended bids column in the table and select targets to:

    • Edit bid with options to control it (increase/decrease bids, average CPC, recommendations, Amazon suggested bids)

    • Apply recommendations

    • Pause targets

    • Add or remove labels

  • Sponsored Brand - keyword bids

    These are the bid recommendations for your sponsored brands - keywords campaigns.

    This recommendation takes you to the Keywords dashboard with relevant filters that gives you bid recommendations for sponsored brand campaigns on a keyword level. You’ll find the recommended bids column in the table, and you can select keywords to take any of the following actions:

    • Edit bid with options (increase/decrease bids, average CPC, recommendations, Amazon suggested bids)

    • Apply recommendations directly

    • Pause keywords

    • Archive keywords

    • Add or remove labels

    You can also modify filters or use the roll-up feature to see the performance aggregated at a keyword level or match type level or brand type level, or labels.

2. Keyword Targeting

  • New keyword Suggestions from auto campaign search

    Your auto campaigns generate multiple search terms. Many of these are high-value searches that drive revenue and could be added to more campaigns, while many drain your ad spend but do not generate enough revenue and would be better off as negative keywords.

    This recommendation takes you to the Keyword Suggestions tab within the Sponsored Products dashboard in the left navigation menu.

    The table shows suggested keywords and metrics like spend, revenue, impressions, clicks, etc. You can analyze keywords and take tactical actions like:

    • Add As Keyword’ for low-spend and high-revenue keywords

    • ‘Add As Negative Keyword’ for high-spend and low-revenue keywords

    • ‘Dismiss’ from the list if you don’t want to see it

  • New keyword Suggestions from manual campaign search terms

    This recommendation takes you to Keyword Suggestions from manual campaigns within Sponsored Products.

    Source keyword means you already have these keywords in your campaigns. Suggested keywords are search terms that your prospective buyers are looking for. You can add suggested keywords in current or multiple campaigns (with similar products) to increase your revenue.

    In the table, you’ll find metrics like spend, revenue, impressions, clicks, etc., and you can take actions like ‘Add As Keyword’ or ‘Add As Negative Keyword’ or ‘Dismiss’ if you don’t want to see the recommendation anymore.

  • New keyword Suggestions from sponsored brand search terms

    This recommendation takes you to Keyword Suggestions within Sponsored Brands.

    Source keyword are keywords already existing in your campaigns. Suggested keywords are search terms that your prospective buyers are looking for. You can add suggested keywords in current or multiple campaigns (with similar products) to increase your revenue.

  • High-performing sponsored product keywords missing from sponsored brand campaigns

    This recommendation highlights keywords performing well in sponsored products (SP) but aren’t added to sponsored brands (SB) campaigns. The table gives you a consolidated view of high-performing SP keywords along with 14-day spend, revenue, impressions, etc. These keywords are already bringing revenue in SP campaigns, and you might want to include them in SB campaigns.

Note: This set of weekly recommendations is generated every Tuesday.

  • High-performing sponsored brand keywords missing from sponsored product campaigns

    These keywords are bringing revenue in sponsored brand campaigns, and you could be leveraging them in sponsored product campaigns as well.

Note: This set of weekly recommendations is generated every Wednesday.

  • Brand terms triggered in auto campaigns

    Branded search terms tend to have a lower ACOS as the purchase intent is high. If your auto campaigns are triggering brand terms, it would affect your ACOS and wouldn't show you the accurate picture.

    For this recommendation to trigger, you must ensure you’ve added your brand terms to Settings in the left navigation menu. You can learn how to enable them in this article.

Note: This set of weekly recommendations is generated every Thursday.

Brand vs. non-brand segmentation

Branded search terms generate great revenue at very low ACOS, so segmenting them is better. Auto campaigns should be incremental—that means you should negate your branded terms and branded ASINs. That way, auto campaigns would cater to non-branded searches, and the branded traffic would come to specific keyword targeting campaigns, where you can bid for individual keywords and control your spend.

This type of segmentation is good for understanding where your revenue is coming from. A significant portion of your auto campaign revenue could be coming from branded search terms if you’re not negating them. We suggest deciding a cutoff for your brand spend and controlling it based on that in order to be more efficient by consciously focusing on the incremental non-brand portion.

Best practice is to exclude brand terms from automatic campaigns and include them in manual campaigns.

  • Brand terms triggered from non-brand SP keywords

    Brands terms are being triggered by non-brand SP campaigns. For this recommendation to trigger, you must ensure you’ve added your Brand terms in Settings in the left navigation menu. You can learn how to enable them in this article.

    This means people are already searching for your brand terms, and those searches trigger your non-brand SP keywords, affecting your ACOS and revenue. This wouldn’t portray a correct picture. We suggest you add them as negative keywords.

Note: This set of weekly recommendations is generated every Friday.

  • Brand terms triggered from non-brand SB keywords

    Similarly, here brand terms are triggering non-brand SB campaigns. We suggest you add them as negative keywords. This is recommended for brand vs. non-brand segmentation.

Note: This set of weekly recommendations is generated every Saturday.

3. Product Targeting

  • Brand ASINs to be negated in auto campaigns

    Brands ASINs are triggering sponsored products - auto campaigns and should be negated for brand vs. non-brand segmentation. For this recommendation to trigger, you must ensure you’ve added your Brand ASINs in Settings in the left navigation menu. You can learn how to add/update them in this article.

    One of the crucial things is to negate brand ASINs in auto campaigns if you are running sponsored products targeting defensive campaigns. Your ads wouldn't appear anywhere if you don’t have defensive campaigns. If you don’t negate your ASINs in your auto campaigns, your auto campaigns will suggest your ASINs as search terms.

  • Competitor product targeting recommendations from Share Of Voice

    This set of recommendations comes from Share of Voice (SOV). This recommendation shows up after you’ve set up SOV. You can learn how to complete the setup here.

    This recommendation suggests competitor products you could be targeting. This table shows your brand products ranking well compared to your competitors.

As a best practice, we suggest you look into the relevancy of the competitor products before adding them as product targets.

  • Product targeting Suggestions from search terms

    These are ASINs you could be targeting based on search terms. This set of recommendations highlights product targets from the Search term report. These are ASINs related to search terms that are generating impressions or incurring spend. You can find the last 14 days' metrics like spend, revenue, impressions, clicks, ACOS, avg. CPC, etc. and decide whether you want to add them as targets or not. Again, we suggest doing a sanity check for relevancy.

Note: This set of weekly recommendations is generated every Monday.

4. ASIN Optimization

  • ASIN(s) missing from Sponsored Products - Product Targeting Campaigns

    These ASINs are advertised in auto campaigns or keywords targeting campaigns but not in Product Targeting campaigns.

    These revenue-generating opportunities are important for protecting your product detail pages (PDP) on Amazon.

Note: This set of weekly recommendations is generated every Sunday.

  • ASIN(s) missing from Sponsored Products - Auto Targeting Campaigns

    ASINs are present in sponsored products (SP) keyword targeting (KT) or product targeting (PT) campaigns but missing from SP auto targeting (AT) campaigns.

    If you’re not advertising your products in auto campaigns, you might miss valuable search terms generated through these ASINs. Auto campaigns provide useful search terms for keyword targeting, presenting additional revenue-generating opportunities.

  • ASIN(s) missing from Sponsored Display - Audiences Campaigns

    You can find revenue info about these ASINs already being advertised in other campaign types and take decision as to whether you want to add them to SD-A campaigns as well. This is mostly for brand awareness and consideration. Here, you're targeting shoppers direcly and you could remarket your products to without using having to use DSP.

Note: This set of weekly recommendations is generated every Sunday.

  • ASIN(s) missing from Sponsored Display - Product Targeting Campaigns

    These are similar to SP PT campaigns, but placement is different on Amazon. Again, you might be losing revenue by not advertising these ASINs in your SD PT campaigns. Here, you're increasing brand awareness and preventing highjacking on PDP itself.

Note: This set of weekly recommendations is generated every Sunday.

  • ASIN(s) not associated with any campaigns

    These products have had sales in the last seven days but are not currently advertised. You can consider adding these products to existing Campaigns.

Note: This set of weekly recommendations is generated every Saturday.

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